2022 Christmas Hamper Program
Thank you to all the individuals, community groups, and businesses for supporting the 2022 Christmas Hamper Program this past season. In total, we collected $17,109 in donations and also received support through toys, gifts, and food. We are so inspired once again to see the community come together to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to enjoy the Christmas season. Thank you!
Corporate Donors:
Waste Management of Canada: $4,000
North Corridor Co-op – Thorhild $2,550
Radway Lions Club: $2,500
Thorhild Lions Club: $1,610
Gas Alberta: $1,500

Left to right: Reeve Joyce Pierce, Lion Rehann Onyschuk (Radway Lions Club), Lion Irene Rettman (Thorhild Lions Club), Bradley Staszczak (North Corridor Co-op – Thorhild), Bobby Wolitski (Waste Management of Canada), and Lion George Mudryk (Thorhild Lions Club) |