Statement on Draft Land Use Bylaw
Thorhild County is aware of concerns from property owners and residents regarding the proposed draft Land Use Bylaw, which will replace the current bylaw adopted in 2015.
The Municipal Government Act requires that every municipality in Alberta have a land use bylaw that outlines the rules and regulations for development within the municipality.
The draft bylaw in its current form does not mean it will be adopted as is – more changes will be applied until Council is satisfied with the final version.
The County gathered more feedback at the Draft Land Use Bylaw Public Hearing held on January 10, 2023. The matters heard are being compiled and will be considered by Council at a future meeting. Council may choose to accept, vary, or decline the inclusion of any of the proposed regulations. The public will be notified in advance of any planned second reading of the draft Land Use Bylaw.
If you require further information regarding the Land Use Bylaw or have questions related to it, please contact Thorhild County at 780-398-3741, or email cao@thorhildcounty.com.