Ag Plastics Recycling & Grain Bag Roller Available
Recycle old baler twine and give it new life as car parts, dimensional lumber, flower pots and composite decking!
Here's how to do it:
- Pick up free, large, clear bags from the Thorhild Transfer Station attendant.
- Remove as much debris, snow, and ice as possible from the twine. Fill the bags and securely close them.
- Return the bags to the Transfer Station.
Please DO NOT include net wrap or other materials with the twine. This will result in the bag's contents being rejected and its materials sent to the landfill.
Grain Bag Roller Available
A grain bag roller will be available for use in 2023. We are currently taking names of interested individuals and the general timeframe they need to utilize the machine.
The rolled bags generated from the equipment will be taken by Thorhild County and recycled.
For more information, please contact Clarence at 780-398-3977 ext 3974.