Thorhild Swimming Pool Reopened
UPDATE - July 17, 2023
The Thorhild Swimming Pool is open again. Please visit https://bit.ly/Thorhild-swim to access the pool schedule and to find the link to register for lessons.
Please note that the pool cannot operate in thunderstorm conditions. If you’re unsure if the pool is open during regular operating hours, please call 780-398-3730.
July 16, 2023
Unfortunately, the Thorhild Swimming Pool remains closed today, July 16, 2023, due to the high-risk air quality. Please keep watching for updates. We look forward to seeing everyone once the air quality improves.
July 15, 2023
The Thorhild Swimming Pool remains closed today until the air quality index improves. Please continue watching for updates.
July 14, 2023
The Thorhild Swimming Pool remains closed due to the air quality health index being at high risk. Please watch for updates.
July 13, 2023
The Thorhild Swimming Pool closed at 3:30 pm today due to the air quality health index being at high risk. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please watch for updates.