Weed and Pest Inspections of Private Lands
Thorhild County appointed weed inspectors will be conducting random weed inspections between the months of June – September. Inspections will be carried out between the times 8:00 am – 4:30 pm. Thorhild County weed notice letters and/or Provincial Weed Notices will be sent out to landowners who have confirmed Noxious and/or Prohibited Noxious weeds present on their property.
For a list of Prohibited Noxious and Noxious weeds please see the Alberta Weed Control Regulations or click here.
Thorhild County appointed pest inspectors will be conducting random pest inspections for Clubroot and Fusarium Head Blight between the months of August – September. Notices will be sent out to landowners that have confirmed positive samples of Clubroot and Fusarium Head Bright. Inspections will be carried out between the times 8:00 am – 4:30 pm.
Please contact the Agricultural Services office at 780-398-3977 ext. 3974, Tuesday – Friday between 8:00am – 4:30pm for more information.