Proposed Bylaw 16-2021 Land Use Bylaw Amendment
Bylaw 16-2021, being a Bylaw to Amend Thorhild county Land Use Bylaw No. 1194-2015, as amended, as follows:
Section “8.2 – Agricultural District”, as follows:
To include “Communal Housing and School” as a Discretionary Use on the NE 18-61-21-W4 as shown on Schedule “A”.
Date: Tuesday June 8th, 2021
Time: 11:00 AM
Location: Thorhild County Council Chambers (801-1St Street, Thorhild)
And Virtually via Zoom
Zoom Link: Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85684349831
Or Call 1-587-328-1099 shortly before the hearing starts
Enter meeting ID: 856 8434 9831#
Press # again
The meeting host will then join you to the meeting.
The proposed Bylaw is available on the Thorhild County Website http://www.thorhildcounty.com/Residents/Public-Notices. You may request a copy via email from jeannette.cholach@thorhildcounty.com or by phone at 780-398-2823.
Due to social distancing, there is limited space available in Council Chambers, to attend in person. It is recommended that you attend the meeting live via Zoom. Persons interested in speaking at the public hearing must pre-register with the Planning Clerk (phone: 780-398-2823 or email: jeannette.cholach@thorhildcounty.com which will allow participation through Zoom.
Presentations by the public may be made verbally, in writing or both. Please note that verbal presentations shall be limited to five (5) minutes.
You may submit written comments that will be read at the public hearing by forwarding to the Planning Clerk at email: jeannette.cholach@thorhildcounty.com.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting:
Kim Kozak
Development Officer of Planning and Development
Phone Number: 780-398-2825
e-mail: kim.kozak@thorhildcounty.com