Take notice that pursuant to the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000, as amended, Thorhild County Council has scheduled a Public Hearing in regard to the proposed:
Bylaw 05-2022, being a Bylaw to Amend Thorhild County Municipal Development Plan No. 1195-2015, as follows:
- Part 7.1 the Future Land Use District Map, as follows:
a) By changing that portion of the East Half of SE 20-61-22-W4 from Agriculture (AG) District to Multi-Lot Country Residential (CR) District, as shown in Schedule A below:

Date: Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Time: 1:45 PM
Location: Thorhild County Council Chambers (801-1St Street, Thorhild)
And Virtually via Zoom
Zoom Link: Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81968179633
Meeting ID: 819 6817 9633
To phone into a meeting, call: 1-587-328-1099, key in 819 6817 9633,
press pound (#), disregard the message to enter participant ID,
press pound (#).
The meeting host will then join you to the meeting.
The proposed Bylaw is available on the Thorhild County Website http://www.thorhildcounty.com/Residents/Public-Notices. You may request a copy via email from Kathleen.deshoux@thorhildcounty.com at 780-398-398-3741 Ext. 2825.
Persons interested in speaking at the public hearing must pre-register with the Planning Clerk (phone: 780-398-3741 Ext. 2823 or email: jeannette.cholach@thorhildcounty.com which will allow participation through Zoom.
Presentations by the public may be made verbally, in writing or both. Please note that verbal presentations shall be limited to five (5) minutes.
You may submit written comments that will be read at the public hearing by forwarding to the Development and Planning Manager at email: kathleen.deshoux@thorhildcounty.com.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting:
Kathleen Deshoux
Planning and Development Manager
Phone Number: 780-398-3741 Ext. 2825; e-mail: Kathleen.deshoux@thorhildcounty.com