
Fire Permits

ServicesFire & Emergency ServicesFire Permits

 Current Fire Ban/Advisory Status


Effective October 11, 2024 at 11:00 am    

Fire Permits

Please note:  Approval of fire permits may take up to 72 business hours.

 Thorhild County Fire Guardians are:

  • Captain Richelle Redekop
  • Captain Tristan English
  • Firefighter John Erdman
  • Firefighter Rob Robinson
  • Firefighter Hazel Humm
  • Firefighter Tyler Mills

Fire Permits are required throughout the entire year.  A Fire Guardian will take into consideration the nature and purpose of the fire, prevailing circumstances and environmental conditions prior to issuing a Fire Permit.  A Fire Permit shall only be valid for the time period expressly indicated on the Permit.

Note: Burning Prohibited Debris is strictly forbidden.

All residents must have a fire permit before lighting any fires with the exception of:

(a) Cooking of food using a portable appliance designed to use electricity, wood chips, charcoal, pellets, natural gas or propane;

(b) Fire Pits or Outdoor Fireplaces, provided that:

  1.  i. A means, acceptable to the Fire Chief, of controlling or extinguishing the fire is available on the property and within reasonable distance from where the fire occurs;
  2.  ii. The fire is kept under control and supervised at all times until the fire has been completely extinguished;
  3.  iii. Flame height does not exceed 750 millimeters (2.5 feet) above the structure or container;
  4.  iv. For Fire Pits:
    1. i. Ensure a minimum  of 3 meters (10 feet) clearance, measured from the nearest fire pit edge, is maintained from building,  property lines, or other combustible material;
    1. ii. The maximum height of the fire pit installation from the ground to the highest point of the fire pit is less than 600 millimeters (2 feet);
    1. iii. The fire pit opening does not exceed 1 meter (3.3 feet) in width or diameter when measured between the widest points;
    1. iv. The fire pit installation has enclosed sides made from bricks, concrete blocks, heavy gauge metal or other non-combustible materials; and
    1.  v. The fire pit is not located over any underground utilities or under any above ground wires.
  5.  v. For Outdoor Fireplaces:
    1.  i. A Minimum of 1 meter (3.3 feet) clearance measured from the nearest fireplace edge is maintained from buildings, property lines, or other combustible material;
    1.  ii. The fireplace is constructed of materials such as brick or rocks that are heat and flame resistant;
    1.  iii. The fireplace is equipped with a chimney that is not less than 2.5 meters (8.2 feet) in height when measured from the base of the fire burning area;
    1.  iv. The fireplace chimney is equipped with a regulation screen designed to contain and reduce the hazards of airborne sparks;
    1.  v. The base of the fire burning area is no less than 0.3 meters (1 foot) above the surrounding grade;
    1.  vi. The fire chamber does not exceed 1.25 meters (4 feet) in width, and is at least 0.4 meters (1.3 feet) but not more than 0.6 meters (2 feet) in depth; and
    1.  vii. Is otherwise acceptable to the Fire Chief.

(c) Burn Barrel used for residential refuse burning provided that:

i. a non-combustible structure or container has draft holes not larger than 6.5 millimeters (0.25 inch) in diameter;

    1. ii. is equipped with a heavy gauge metal screen to contain sparks over the fire at all times, with a mesh size not greater than 13 millimeters (0.5 inch) secured in place;
    1. iii. which is lit for the purpose of burning household refuse, not including prohibited debris;
    1. iv. ensure a minimum of 5 meters (16 feet) clearance, measured from the nearest burn barrel edge, is maintained from building, property lines, or other combustible material; and
    1. v. is not located over underground utility services or below aboveground wires. 
    2. vi. is not located within the boundries of a hamlet (Long Lake, Egremont, Opal, Abee, Thorhild, Radway, Newbrook) or country residential subdivision (Pinebrook, Northbrook, or Buffallo Lake Estates)

(d) An outdoor fire lit by the Emergency Services Department for training or preventive control purposes;

(e) A fire confined to an incinerator regulated under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act.

Prior to issuance of a Fire Permit for brush piles /windrows the applicant must adhere to the following;

  1. (a)   Windrows must not exceed 60 (196 feet) metres in length a be separated by a minimum 8 metres (26 feet) break between each windrow.
  2. (b)   Windrows and brush piles must be at least 25 metres (82 feet) from any uncleared land, structures, fences, roads or vegetation,
  3. (c)   Parallel windrows must be separated from other parallel windows by not less than 15 metres (50 feet).
  4. (d)   A fireguard 15 metres (50 feet) wide and cleared down to the mineral soil must completely surround the area.
  5. (e)   Windows and brush piles cannot be more than 6 metres (20 feet) wide.
  6. (f)   Maximum of five (5) windrows or brush piles can be burned at once and must be fully extiguished prior to lighting additional windrows or piles.

Prior to issuance of a Fire Permit for demolished buildings applicant must adhere to the following;

  1. (a)    demolition permit must be obtained from the County;
  2. (b)    all Prohibited Debris must be removed.
  3. (c)    building must be demolished to the ground.

Apply for a Permit


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