
Planning and Development Overview

ServicesPlanning & DevelopmentPlanning and Development Overview

Planning and Development

The Planning and Development department manages land and building development, building permits, subdivision planning and other land matters in Thorhild County.  Land use planning processes are guided by plans and documents at both the provincial and municipal level.

Development in Thorhild County is guided by the following statutory documents:

The Municipal Development Plan is a high-level vision planning document that outlines how the Council sees future growth and land use in the community. Under the Municipal Government Act, every municipality is required to adopt a municipal development plan.

It is appropriate to consider amending Municipal Development Plans (MDP) every five to ten years to ensure that the most current direction stemming current trends including provincial directions and policies are considered.  Updating the existing information within an MDP and consistency with the “must address” requirements under the Municipal Government Act helps provide guidance with planning objectives for the community.   With this in mind, County Council has directed County Administration to begin the process of amending the current MDP.

On November 30, 2023, Thorhild County submitted a Request for Proposal (RFP) to the Alberta Purchasing Connection (APC) for the purpose of looking for qualified consultants, experienced in implementing land use planning and policy support for the review and process of undertaking a new Municipal Development Plan (MDP).  The contract was subsequently awarded to Beairsto & Associates Engineering Ltd. 

Municipal Development Plan Open House Events
Join an Open House between 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM at any of the following locations:
Monday, November 25th
5005 - 50TH AVENUE

Tuesday, November 26th
4904 - 50TH STREET
Wednesday, November 27th
4801 - 50TH STREET
Thursday, November 28th
5108 - 49TH AVENUE
Friday, November 29th

Each of the Open Houses across Abee, Thorhild, Egremont, Newbrook, and Radway will provide identical content and engagement opportunities to ensure consistent information for all community members. At each Open House, there are three planned interactive sessions to gather valuable input:

  1. Rural Community Mapping Workshop: This session features a large map of the county where residents can mark areas they envision for future land use, as well as highlight geographical areas of concern or aspiration, especially as they relate to rural and agricultural lands. This exercise is essential to help understand community members’ priorities for rural spaces and gather insights on areas that need preservation, development, or special attention. Your input directly informs how to approach rural land use decisions in the updated MDP.
  2. Priority Setting: There are identified, approximately 50 rural and community-focused theme words, representing topics and goals that could shape the municipality over the next 20 to 25 years. Residents can select the themes they feel are most important and should be emphasized in the Municipal Development Plan. This session is critical, as it ensures that the MDP aligns with rural values and aspirations, addressing areas such as agricultural preservation, environmental stewardship, and rural quality of life.
  3. Hamlet Boundary Review Maps: There will be maps of each hamlet, showing current boundaries alongside proposed adjustments. Reviewing and updating hamlet boundaries is important because it:
    • Ensures the growth areas are adequate for future development.
    • Aligns with municipal infrastructure and rural service delivery.
    • Preserves valuable agricultural or natural spaces.
    • Encourages efficient rural land use planning.
    • Reflects recent population and development trends.

By examining these boundary changes, feedback received on whether these adjustments reflect the community’s vision and will gain diverse perspectives on potential impacts, especially from those with deep ties to the agricultural areas in the municipality.

Residents are encouraged to participate in these open house sessions, as they are a valuable platform for sharing your insights and guiding the future of Thorhild County.

Missed the Open Houses? Share Your Input with the MDP Workbook! 

If you’re unable to attend the open houses this week, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered! The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Workbook includes the three key activities featured at the open houses, giving you the opportunity to provide your feedback at your convenience.

How to Access the Workbook:

Deadline for Submissions: December 6, 2024

For questions about the Open House Events please contact: Baily Lapp, RPP, MCIP, Manager of Planning & Development Services Beairsto & Associates Engineering Ltd.

Email: bailyl@baseng.ca / Phone: 780-512-5818

In addition to the existing MDP, linked above, more information on the “must and may address” provisions for MDPs can be found here: Municipal Government Act Section 632.

The Land Use Bylaw identifies where specific development types can take place and outlines the regulations influencing that development. Under the Municipal Government Act, every municipality is required to adopt a land use bylaw.

We encourage you to talk with us prior to any development, land use changes, and for subdivision applications. We are here to assist you through all the processes required. Explore our policies, bylaws and forms that may be required before you commence any project.

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 Telephone: 780-398-3741 
 Toll Free: 1-877-398-3777
 Fax: 780-398-3748
 Email:Thorhild County

  801 - 1st Street
Box 10 Thorhild, AB T0A 3J0

Thorhild County

 Hours: Tues - Fri 8AM - 4:30PM
       (Closed Mondays)

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