The Planning and Development department manages land and building development, building permits, subdivision planning and other land matters in Thorhild County. Land use planning processes are guided by plans and documents at both the provincial and municipal level.
Development in Thorhild County is guided by the following statutory documents:
The Municipal Development Plan is a high-level vision planning document that outlines how the Council sees future growth and land use in the community. Under the Municipal Government Act, every municipality is required to adopt a municipal development plan.
It is appropriate to consider amending Municipal Development Plans (MDP) every five to ten years to ensure that the most current direction stemming current trends including provincial directions and policies are considered. Updating the existing information within an MDP and consistency with the “must address” requirements under the Municipal Government Act helps provide guidance with planning objectives for the community. With this in mind, County Council has directed County Administration to begin the process of amending the current MDP.
On May 31, 2024, Thorhild County submitted a Request for Proposal (RFP) to the Alberta Purchasing Connection (APC) for the purpose of looking for qualified consultants, experienced in implementing land use planning and policy support for the review and process of undertaking a new Municipal Development Plan (MDP). The contract was subsequently awarded to Beairsto & Associates Engineering Ltd.
Email: / Phone: 780-512-5818
Join us anytime between 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM at any of the following locations: MONDAY, MARCH 31ST ABEE COMMUNITY HALL 5005 - 50TH AVENUE TUESDAY, APRIL 1ST EGREMONT COMMUNITY HALL 4904 - 50TH STREET WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2ND NEWBROOK COMMUNITY HALL 4801 - 50TH STREET
For questions about the open house sessions or the project, please contact: Baily Lapp, RPP, MCIP Manager of Planning Services Beairsto & Associates Engineering Ltd. 780-512-5818
November Municipal Development Plan Open House Events
From November 25 to November 29, 2024, Open House events were held across Thorhild County. Each Open House in Abee, Thorhild, Egremont, Newbrook, and Radway offered the same content and engagement opportunities. These events aimed to gather community input on three key activities, ensuring that all residents received consistent information.
Residents who could not attend the Open House were invited to complete a Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Workbook, which included the three key activities featured at the open houses.
What We Heard: Municipal Development Plan Review Results Now Available
Thorhild County Council is pleased to share the results of the "What We Heard" report from the recent Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Review open houses, hosted from November 25 to November 29, 2024.
We extend our gratitude to all residents who participated and shared their valuable insights. Your input is crucial in shaping the future of our community.
The "What We Heard" report is now available for viewing and provides a detailed summary of the feedback and ideas shared during the sessions.
To access the report, please click here.
If you have any questions or additional comments, please don’t hesitate to contact:
Baily Lapp, RPP, MCIP Manager of Planning & Development Services Beairsto & Associates Engineering Ltd. 780-512-5818
Thank you for your continued engagement in this important process.
In addition to the existing MDP, linked above, more information on the “must and may address” provisions for MDPs can be found here: Municipal Government Act Section 632.
The Land Use Bylaw identifies where specific development types can take place and outlines the regulations influencing that development. Under the Municipal Government Act, every municipality is required to adopt a land use bylaw.
We encourage you to talk with us prior to any development, land use changes, and for subdivision applications. We are here to assist you through all the processes required. Explore our policies, bylaws and forms that may be required before you commence any project.