The Natural Gas Utility serves 1600 accounts within Thorhild County.
Thorhild County is a member of the Federation of Alberta Gas Co-ops. Natural gas is purchased through Gas Alberta Inc. to achieve favorable gas pricing through greater purchase power.
Thorhild County owns and maintains the gas service line up to and including the gas meter.
The Hamlets of Egremont and Radway are serviced by Apex Utilities and can be contacted at 1-866-222-2067 for general inquiries and 1-866-222-2068 for 24-hour emergency service.
If you require a new natural gas service or a secondary line to your home, business or farm call 780-398-3741 ext. 2811 or stating the address or legal description, the type of installation.
The cost for new rural natural gas infill is $8,250 plus GST. The cost for new urban natural gas infill is $3,500 plus GST. The application deadline is August 31 each year.